Fredericton: (506) 458-9538
New Bandon: (506) 365-7577
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Monday, January 13, 2020
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Yvon St-Amant posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
My dear friend Michel, thank you for your loyalty, your trademark along with your incredible resourcefulness in so many ways. I am losing a great friend and you know you will be in my prayers every night until I follow you wherever you are.
So long my Pit...
Yvon St-Amant posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
My dear friend Michel, thank you for your loyalty, your trademark along with your incredible resourcefulness in so many ways. I am losing a great friend and you kow you will be in my prayers every nigh until I follow you wherever you are.
So long my Pit...
Stephen Camp posted a condolence
Monday, June 9, 2014
Mike was a great man, enjoyed his company always, He will be sorely missed.
H. Bryan Boyer posted a condolence
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Mike LaFlamme was a good man. He was a personal friend who I will miss, but his spirit will remain. My condolences to Mike's family and loved ones.
Hugo St-Amant posted a condolence
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Ont pense beaucoup � vous bon courage.Christina et Martin.
Julie St-Amant posted a condolence
Friday, June 6, 2014
Repose en paix Michel et prends soin de ton beau rayon de soleil Francine... xxxx
Larry Yule and Wife Patsy posted a condolence
Monday, June 2, 2014
Just heard the sad news of Michel's passing. Our sincere sympathy to his entire family. Though we were cousins I regrettably never had the privilege of knowing Michel but from what I'm hearing his was a life well lived. Again, our heartfelt sympathy to you all.
Louise (Gelinas)Wheaton posted a condolence
Thursday, May 29, 2014
I am only a year older than Michel so I remember the visits to Sarnia and to Conrad Street where we lived in a wartime house. I just remember Michel hooking onto a garbage truck, at least I think it was that, and he'd wave and go off for the day! Now, when I read about his work in Jordan or Iran I am not surprised. He seemed so adventurous back then and I gather he was just that throughout his life. I'm sure he must have had much more to do but some events we cannot control. Denise, hopefully you remember me and my husband Jim. I am sorry for the loss of your dad for you Denise and all the family.
Louise (Gelinas)Wheaton posted a condolence
Thursday, May 29, 2014
I am only a year older than Michel so I remember the visits to Sarnia and to Conrad Street where we lived in a wartime house. I just remember Michel hooking onto a garbage truck, at least I think it was that, and he'd wave and go off for the day! Now, when I read about his work in Jordan or Iran I am not surprised. He seemed so adventurous back then and I gather he was just that throughout his life. I'm sure he must have had much more to do but some events we cannot control. Denise, hopefully you remember me and my husband Jim. I am sorry for the loss of your dad for you Denise and all the family.
Abdul Rahim Taha posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
In great sadness I'm hearing the news of Mike death, We sharing your pain and grief of this great loss, I'm praying to God to keep his soul in the Paradise
Mike's was a great support to the success of our company in Jordan and the Middle East through the technical and administrative guidance us for construct our projects such and RISHA GAS PLANT in 1994, NIJMEH Bulk Pharmaceuticals Plant, Jordan Magnesia Plant, Jordan Bromine Plant & many other projects
My heartfelt condolences for Francine, Christina, & all Mike's family & friends
God Bless & Save You
Abdul Rahim Taha
Mechanical Engineers & Contractors (MEC)
Nadine Zabihi posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
C'est avec une grande tristesse que j'ai apprise cette nouvelle. �a faisait plusieurs ann�es qu'on ne s'�tait pas vu mais je garde toujours de bons souvenirs de mon oncle Michel chez qui j'ai pass� un tr�s beau s�jour � Mont-Laurier lorsque j'�tais petite. Il avait m�me eu la gentillesse d'aller visiter mes beaux-parents lors d'une de ses visites en Iran il y a d�j� plusieurs ann�es. Ils sont aussi attrist�s de la nouvelle ainsi que mon conjoint Zia. Nous offrons nos sinc�res condol�ances � tante Francine, � Martin et Christina et � leurs enfants.
Marc Laflamme posted a condolence
Monday, May 26, 2014
Chers Francine, Christina, Martin et famille,
Je partage le chagrin et la douleur qui vous habitent. Son d�part h�tif laisse un grand vide dans nos coeurs et il nous manque d�j�.
Ce que j'ai retenu chez lui, c'�tait sa fureur de vivre, son exigence et sa rigueur pour le travail (eh oui, il �tait un bon vivant, mais aussi un gros travaillant!) et ses qualit�s de coeur, particuli�rement sa g�n�rosit� et son souci constant d'offrir s�curit�, bien-�tre et confort mat�riel aux siens. Homme de t�te et de convictions, malgr� un petit c�t� rebelle et t�m�raire (d'o� son surnom de "mouton noir de la famille"!), il a toujours su prendre les moyens pour atteindre les objectifs qu'ils s'�taient fix�s. Chose certaine, gr�ce � son charme redoutable, son sens aigu de la planification et de l'organisation, son caract�re fonceur et son franc parler, ce pigeon voyageur n'a laiss� personne indiff�rent et son parcours bien rempli est tout sauf banal.
Ma reconnaissance et mon admiration vont �galement � Francine, sa complice, celle qui a partag� sa route pendant plus de 40 ans. Merci de ton amour inconditionnel, de ta compr�hension et aussi de ton soutien ind�fectible envers ses projets, m�me les plus fous.
Cher Michel, tu as �t� pour moi plus qu'un grand fr�re, tu �tais une bonne personne avec qui on ne s'ennuyait jamais et qui ne cessait jamais de nous en apprendre et de nous surprendre.
Je ne t'oublierai jamais "Bro"...Avec amour, Marc xox
Chuck & Pat Taylor posted a condolence
Monday, May 26, 2014
Will always remember our days in Jordan with great fondness.
Denise posted a condolence
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Michel, mon fr�re ch�ri. Homme de grand courage, un voyageur �pris de cette vie et un amoureux des siens.
Nos sinc�res sympathies � Christina, Mathieu, Martin et leurs enfants.
De tout coeur, ta soeur Denise et son fils Mikha�l
gaetan st-amant posted a condolence
Sunday, May 25, 2014
un ami de la premiere heure!
repose en paix ,tu l'as bien m�rit� !
Nicole Lagac� posted a condolence
Sunday, May 25, 2014
To Michel, a dear brother-in-law. You lived a full life. You had so many stories to tell of countries you travelled to for your work, of interesting people you met, of incredible situations you were fortunate to experience. You will be greatly missed by your family. To Martin and sweet Christina, I wish you both strength and courage. C'�tait le "mon oncle champion" de Jean-Michel... xox
Fredericton: (506) 458-9538
New Bandon: (506) 365-7577
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